Sabroe compressor units & Compressor blocks
In this page you find the available Sabroe compressor blocks, chillers and compressor units based on Sabroe compressors in our network . contact us for more information. you can download the full description
Bare shaft Sabroe SMC108S MK4 compressor block 2016
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bare shaft compressor block Sabroe SMC 108S MK4 2016
bare shaft Sabroe SMC108S MK4 compressor block 2016.
Very well state of maintenance . was running on R404a
Bare shaft Sabroe HPC 108S compressor block 2005
Available: 1 Off

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bare shaft compressor block Sabroe HPC 108S
bare shaft Sabroe HPC108S compressor block .
Bare shaft overhauled Sabroe CMO 28 compressor block 2019
Available: 1 Off

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bare shaft compressor block CMO28
bare shaft Sabroe CMO 28 compressor block . ready for transport
Bare shaft overhauled Sabroe SMC 108S compressor block
Available: 1 Off

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Overhauled bare shaft compressor block SMC108S
Overhauled bare shaft Sabroe SMC 108S compressor block . ready for transport
the compressor block is fully restored – new crankshaft ,bearings , oil pump, piston rings and gaskets
Sabroe SMC 108S compressor unit
Available: 1 Off

Running removed . SMC 108 S compressor unit . NH3 version Water cooled heads.
Optional the Compressor can be overhauled delivered
Sabroe twin unit based on 2 SAB 128 HF MK2 compressors.
Available: 1 Off

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Sabroe twin unit based on 2 SAB 128 HF Mk2 compressors
twin unit based on 2 SAB 128 HF MK2 / year of build 2002. E-motor 110 kW
This unit was running on NH3.
Sabroe twin unit based on 2 SAB 163 HF MK2 compressors.
Available: 1 Off

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Sabroe twin unit based on 2 SAB 163 HF Mk2 compressors
twin unit based on 2 SAB 163 HF MK2 / year of build 1995.
The compressor SAB 163 HF Mk2 can also be sold as loose supply.
On request the SAB 163 HF M2 block can be overhauled.
bare shaft Sabroe Sab 163 mk1 BS ( booster) compressor block
Available: 1 Off

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Orginal Booster compressor block SAB 163 MK1 BS
only the Sabroe SAB MK1 generation has a real booster compressor in their Program . The compressor has a longer body and no balance pistons. this is a opportunity to purchase a spare compressor block for your SAB 163 BS unit.
MK1 SAB 163 have longer bodies and no piston balance items .
unused Sabroe CMO24 NH3 2015
Available: 1 Off

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New - never installed Sabroe compressor CMO24 NH3 with unisab III controller .
available new never installed Sabroe como 24 compressor unit – this unit was part of a canceled project.
unused Compressor: CMO 24.
refrigerant : NH3.
Swept volume : 95 m3/H
E-motor : 30 KW – 400V/3 phase
Dimensions: 1950 x 900 x 1250 mm
Weight: 800 kg.
Compressor unit SAB163 HF with compressor block of 2015
Available: 1 Off

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SAB163 HF unit with compressor of 2015 and unisab III controller .
Well maintained Sabroe unit 1993 with installed a Sab163 HF compressor block of 2015. The unit is designed for NH3 .
Pre-lubrication pump and Unisab Pro 3 controller
unit built in 1993 and the compressor block of 2015
refrigerant : NH3.
Swept volume : 954 m3/H at 2950 RPM
Swept volume 1154 m3/hour at 3600 RPM
E-motor : 200 KW – 400V/3 phase Brand AEG
Dimensions: 2650 x 1470 x 1725 mm
Weight: 3000 kg
Compressor units based on Sab 128 Mk2
Available: 2 Off

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2 compressor units SAB 128 MK2 from a vessel .
Two Compressor unit based on SAB 128 MK2.
The unit were running removed from the vessel.
The control was on the ships plc on board.
Compressor unit based on SAB 128 MK2.
There is a S-control on the unit . on request it can be upgraded to a UNiSAB PRO III of II
For the users of a SABROE compressor unit with a SAB 128 MK2 – this is the opportunity to purchase your spare compressor block. The SAB 128 MK2 . Which can be delivered as Male of Female driven ( HM or HF)
On request , this compressor block can be delivered overhauled.
Compressor unit based on Sab 163 Mk1 BF
Available: 1 Off

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SAB 163 BF MK1 compressorunit
a real booster compressor unit form Sabroe based on SAB 163 BF. the difference is that the body and the rotors are longer and there are no piston balance pistons internal .
For the users of a SABROE compressor unit witha SAB 163 BM block – this is the opportunity to purchase your spare compressor block. The SAB 163BM Mk1 is long out of production . On request , this compressor block can be delivered overhauled.
never installed Sabroe Sab 283E year of built 2017 – E-motor 315 kW
Available: 1 Off

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Sabroe Sab 283E compressor unit 2017 never installed
Circumstances changes in these turbulent times- for sale Sabroe 283E unit never installed- e-motor 315 KW – UNISAB Pro III controller – brand new.
year of build : 2017
2 off Sabroe SMC 108 L units 2004 and 2009
Available: 2 Off

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Sabroe SMC108L water cooled heads compressor unit
2 complete units from a Sabroe chiller . The E-motors are 90 kW.
Both compressors are suited with water cooled heads.
On both units are unisab Pro II controlers.
Sabroe Sab 233E year of built 2011 – oil cooler of water cooled 2014
Available: 1 Off

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Sabroe Sab 233E compressor unit
Sabroe/ Frick unit of 2011 , E-motor is 132 kW , Water cooled oil cooler of HS ( 2014) and complete with Unisab Pro III
Suitable for VSD drive.
On request the compressor can be overhauled
Sabroe Sab 193LR/ SGC1918 year of built 2011 – VSD driven – without Frequency driver not included.
Available: 1 Off

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Sabroe Sab 193LR compressor unit
Sabroe/ Frick unit of 2011 ( Sab 193 LR) ( Frick SGC1918) , E-motor is 315 kW and complete with Unisab Pro III
Suitable for VSD drive. ( frequency driver not included)
Dimensions : 3250 X 1500 x 1900
Weight: 4500 kG
Bare shaft Sabroe SMC106S compressor block 2002
Available: 3 Off

Sabroe SMC 106S bare shaft compressor block – year of build 2002 – was Running on R404A.
On request this compressor can be delivered as overhauled compressor .
Sabroe SMC 106E bare shaft compressor block – year of build 2007 – 1500 RPM compressor.
On request this compressor can be delivered as overhauled compressor .
Sabroe SAB128 HF MK2 overhauled compressor block
Available: 1 Off

Sabroe SAB 128 HF overhauled Compressor block
SAB 128 of the MK1 /MK2 generation , which are suited with rotors of the same length. This compressor can be delivered as it is like Male driven HM of as Female drive HF version.
The compressor can be delivered as Male driven HM or Female driven HF
Sabroe SAB 163 HM MK1 auto VI– the SAB 163 are the only ones with the suction 12 O `Clock . this compressor is overhauled –
SAB163 of the MK1 /MK2 generation , which are suited with rotors of the same length. This compressor can be delivered as it is like Male driven HM of as Female drive HF version.
Unique version auto vi : this compressor of the generation MK1 is even suited with auto Vi
The compressor can be delivered as Male driven HM or Female driven HF
Sabroe/ Aerzener VMY 346 Compressor unit with Compressor of 2003
available : 1 off

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Sabroe/ Aerzener VMY 346
Sabroe unit VMY 346NR unit orginal build in 1995 , compressor is of 2003 and the 450 kW E-motor is from 1999. the unit is suited with ECO ( open flash) and UNISAB pro II controller.
On request there is a overhauld spare compressor available. this compressor can also be overhauled delivered
Bare Shaft SAB 128 MK1 compressor block
Available : 1 off

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factory overhauled Aerzerner/ Sab VMY 346NR compressor block
Bare shaft Sabroe SAB 128 compressor block .
The Compressor is running dismantled from the unit . The unit was upgraded for a customer with only MK2 versions SAB 128 . The compressor SAB 128 Mk1 is still available.
On request this compressor can be delivered overhauled.
Sabroe Sab 163 MK2 unit at this moment Male driven
Available : 1 off

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Sab 163 MK2 male driven
SAB 163 MK2 compressor unit with 200 kW E-motor.
The compressor SAB163MK2 is like the MK1 easy to modify to male of Female driven. In this case the SAB163HF ( Female driven ) is modified in to a Male driven. The unit was used on VSD control- 1500-3600. SAB163HF compressor are not allowed to be driven by 3600 , due to the max. internal speed of the rotors .
The rotatune version is allowed to 6000 rpm , this model is not suited with a slide valve.
This compressor can be delivered as:
- as it is
- Overhauled
- Overhauled with electronic part load indicator 4-20 mA output
- Suited heat reducing Shaft seal of Coldores
the compressor unit can be offered:
- As it is.
- compressor overhauled
Machineroom in 40 ft container based on 2 Sabroe SAB163HF ( 1 VSD)
Available: 1 off

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machineroom in 40 Ft container based on 2 SAB 163 HF compressors
A stand-alone machine room in a 40 ft container. The machine-room is based on 2 Sabroe HF compressor units. One compressor Blok is of 2004 and the other of 1997 as the container is constructed.
One compressor is VSD driven , each compressor is controlled by a Sabroe Unisab controller ( one is suited with a Unisab Pro II the other one with the UNISAB Pro III)
the compressor unit can be offered:
- As it is.
- compressor overhauled
40 ft container
12200 x 2440 x 2590 mm
two well maintained Sabroe Compressor units 8 cylinders – model SMC8-180. year of build 1979 .
2800 x 1850 x 2450 mm each unit
Weight : 4800 kg
Sabroe 336H high stage compressorunits
Available: 2 off

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Sabroe VMY 336H Compressor units 250 kW E-motor
Two high stage Sabroe 336H compressor units with 250 kW E-motor. year of built 1982- The compressor are controlled with UNISAB Pro II controllers
Complete machine room : 11 Sabroe single stage SMC and 2 two stage TSMC compressors
Available: 13 off

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11 single stage Sabroe SMC and 2 two stage TSMC compressors
Closing of factory : 13 Sabroe piston compressors available :
Single stage:
- 2 pc SMC104S
- 7 pc SMC106S
- 2 PC SMC108S
- 2 pc TSMC116S
2 pc SMC104S with 75 kW E-motors
year of construction : 2001
Sabroe SMC104S are 4 cylinder compressor in one stage
- 2 pc SMC 106 S with 75 kW E-motor – 2001
- 2 pc SMC 106 S ( motor details will follow)- 1986
- 3 pc SMC 106 S ( motor details will follow)- 1988
- 1 pc SMC108 S ( motor details will follow) – 1986
- 1 pc SMC108 S ( motor details will follow) – 1988
16 Cylinder two stage
- 2 pc TSMC 116 S ( motor details will follow) – 1987
SMC106 S compressor blocks
Available: 3 off

3 Sab 106S for a nice price